Commission Agreement Template

Commission Agreement Template

A contract between a service provider and a client, outlining the process and policies for paying commission to an employee or independent agent, usually based on a percentage of sales, is known as a commission agreement.

Businesses that intend to hire independent agents or sales representatives to sell their product or service in return for a commission should draw up a commission agreement. It also helps specify any restrictions on the agent or service provider on the type of business allowed to do with competitors.

This contract gives a better understanding of the amount, the effective date, and how payment will be calculated and paid.

For example, a sales agent makes a 10% commission on the total revenue they generate beyond the first 3 lakhs in a calendar month.

To avoid any kind of confusion, give clarity, and prevent disputes, it is crucial to draw a commission agreement to ensure a fair deal for both parties involved.

Commission structures are typically found in the sales field, financial services, brokerage, consumer goods, and real estate.

Commission Structures

There are many types of commission structures. Depending on your needs, you will draft a specific Commission Agreement with your company name—and include the relevant details such as a reference to prior agreements, any proprietary information, or sales performance. Essentially, your subject matter determines the kind of Commission Agreement you will draft, with every provision of this agreement geared toward your specific needs and use case. Common examples include:

  • Performance Benchmarks: Performance benchmarks help align the interests of the service provider with the business goals.
  • Tiered Commission Structures: The higher the sales volume, the higher the commission rate. This incentivized structure is known as a tiered commission structure.
  • Fixed vs. Percentage-based Commission: A flat fee, which is predetermined, is called a fixed commission or base salary, and a percentage-based commission varies on the sales volume. It can be based on performance, market changes, or other factors.
  • Recurring Commission: For ongoing subscriptions or client relationships, some agreements include recurring commissions.

Importance of a Commission Agreement

An effective tool acting as a disclaimer to ensure all sales team staff and employers understand the terms of commission. It can be used for all types of employees, sales reps, freelancers, independent contractors, salaried employees, and employees solely on commission payments.

Using a legally binding commission agreement template by simplifies the process of drafting agreements by providing standardized professional language. Accessibility of these templates allows businesses to save legal costs and time, keeping consistency in agreements.

This entire agreement safeguards the interests of all the parties involved by addressing legal aspects such as arbitration clauses, governing law, and warranties. Electronic signatures, or e-signatures, are also included to further streamline the process and to make it quicker and more secure.

A fair and established commission rate is essential to maintain trust and motivation within the sales team; a commission agreement aids in that.

It includes the effective date, which is when the agreement’s validity begins and influences the calculations of commission payments. The terms of this agreement drive the duration of the agreement for which it remains in effect.

Risks of not Using a Commission Agreement

Starting work without a signed contract means that your position is not clear. Most people don’t realize that for dispute resolution, a contract is best when in written form, as it is legally binding; verbal contracts usually have trouble getting enforced, as there is nothing tangible to state what the terms and conditions of the contract were.

If you have an email stating the offer for entering into a deal with all the terms and conditions and the other party accepts it with a response, this might be considered a valid contract; however, a formal written sales commission contract can protect all the assets of the business against any legal action.

If the agreement is made verbally, in some circumstances it might be accepted legally. However, if all the terms and conditions are not met, the agreement is considered to be incomplete.

A broken verbal agreement can lead to a financially draining legal battle, as without copies of all the forms of the contract, letter, email, or phone calls, it is difficult to prove anything in court.

Key Elements of a Commission Agreement

Alright, now that we have discussed the importance of the Commission Agreement for various purposes and the risks of using an inadequate template as a starting point, it is time to take a closer look at what makes an ideal Commission Agreement structure. Though the exact contents will differ, any good Commission Agreement will have these key components to cover all legal bases:

  • Effective Date: The date when all parties entered the agreement.
  • Principal Name and Address: The employer’s name and address of who is hiring for work.
  • Agent Name and Address: The employee’s name and home address
  • Services Rendered: A detailed description of the services or products involved or sold by the salesperson.
  • Date of Termination: The date on which the agreement will end.
  • Area: The area or territory in which the agent may sell the principal’s items
  • Commission Earnings. The financial terms of the agreement.
  • Confidentiality: The privacy guidelines and penalties for violation of the non-compete or non-disclosure clause of the agreement protecting trade secrets and confidential information of the company.
  • Termination of this agreement: The conditions under which either party may end the agreement.
  • Representation: Statement confirming that all parties are authorized to enter into the agreement
  • Governing Law: The applicable law covering the agreement aser the jurisdiction.
  • Assignment: Whether the contract can be assigned to a third party.
  • Signatures and Dates: A quicker and more secure way to airtight the agreement.

Best Practices When Using a Sales Commission Agreement

While integrating commission agreements into your business successfully, these are some best practices that must be identified:

  1. One-On-One Conversation: It is always considered the best practice to have a sit-down with new agents to give them an essential layout of the agreement so that there is no confusion and clear expectations as you move forward in your professional relationship.
  2. Be Transparent: Being transparent upfront will help you build trust, mutual respect, and loyalty. It takes time to explain and understand the structure of the contract.
    Be open about how the business makes revenue and how the agents can take different approaches towards sales to sustain themselves. This also helps you to get valuable feedback and develop the most optimum terms over a while.
  3. Specific Commission Structure: A vague or overcomplicated commission structure can lead to confusion, can demotivate agents, and can lead to chaos.
    The most important part of your commission agreement is the commission rate. The revenue you share with agents as incentives is entirely based on how you want to run your business. The more specific your pricing and commission plan, the more precise your agreement provides legal protection for both sides.’s Commission Agreement Template

For a comprehensive, exclusive, and legally binding written agreement, it is best to use the template from This will help you get away from all the tedious paperwork and help you get a beneficial commission structure for agents and your company.

Our template is created by legal experts. It provides a detailed, customizable framework that addresses the critical components of the commission agreement.

When you subscribe to, you gain access to our Commission Agreement of Business Template and scores of legal and business-related documents, all designed professionally by experts! Furthermore, we also have the provision for a 14-day trial period, which means you can test drive both of our membership plans—Basic and Premium. Basic Members can download up to three document templates a month, whereas Premium Members have unlimited access.

Whether you are a business broker, freelancer, legal professional, or entrepreneur, we have the templates to cover all bases and all of your business requirements!

Using’s Commission Agreement Template can significantly ease the process of transferring business ownership, ensuring all legal bases are covered and helping parties avoid common pitfalls in business transactions. Sign up today to secure a professional, dependable, and practical agreement that supports the flourishing sale of your business.

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